The Findings page is built around the collaborative work of the ALS Team. The review and analysis of the data took place over a period of several months. Conferences of the full team were held to share information and insights, for prayerful discussion and evaluation and to plan next steps. Guests from outside the ALS team with expertise in various fields were invited to attend and contribute. A private ALS website and discussion Forum was established by the Foundation to facilitate ongoing conversations and serve as a place for all members of the team to easily access data, reports, and working documents. We became proficient in using online meeting tools, although we experienced the limitations and frustrations faced daily in Africa of limited internet access and reliability.
A Findings Document, available for download on this page, distilled key concepts into an overview. This was an extremely important tool. Using it, members of the ALS team chose a finding or set of findings of particular interest to them and began the collaborative development of the chapters of the ALS book. Further conferences provided space to read and critique each other’s work and to maintain the holistic context of the book which is also featured on this Findings page. Further Findings are presented on this page in an infographic format. Of course we were not able to proceed with in-depth treatments of all the findings identified. As these are developed, they will be added to the Findings Page or to the Resource Page.
An oft repeated theme emerged during our discussions. We said, “While this was a part of my experience and I wondered if it might be true in the experience of others, I had no research or data to confirm or disprove my assumptions. Now I do!” In some cases the data brought unexpected information to light and in others it confirmed existing presumptions. It was a joyful journey of discovery that we were privileged to take together.
© 2016 Africa Leadership Study. Citation: From Africa Leadership Study 2016,