Paulo Bunga
José Paulo Bunga is married to Mrs. Esalita Joaquim Bunga and is the father of six children. He has a Diploma in Theology from STB- IEBA in Luanda, Angola. He has a Degree in Theology from HEFSIBA -Instituto Superior Christian in Angonia, Mozambique and in 2014 he received a Master’s degree in Divinity at the College and Theological Seminary of the Reformed Faith – FATEFÉ, Cohen University- USA, in St. Paulo, Brazil. He is a professor at Evangelical Theological Institute Reformed Church Angola -ITIERA and Shepherd of the Light of the World Parish in Luanda.
ALS Role
José Paulo Bunga provided leadership over a team of students who administered the questionnaires. He later met with a team at Stellenbosch (Robert Priest, Lisa le Roux, Jurgens Hendriks, Adelaide Tomas Manuel, Alberto Lucamba Salombongo, Edward Elliott) to plan the final interview research. He carried out interviews and wrote reports on key leaders and organizations.