Steven D. H. Rasmussen
Curriculum Vitae
Rev. Steven D. H. Rasmussen Ph.D.
Trinity International University, Deerfield, IL, USA
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies, GPA 3.96
Dissertation topic: “Illness and Death Experiences in Northwestern Tanzania: An Investigation of Discourses, Practices, Beliefs, and Social Outcomes, Especially Related to Witchcraft, Used in a Critical Contextualization and Education Process with Pentecostal Ministers”
Minor: Education
Bethel Seminary, St. Paul, MN
M.Div. with Missions Concentration, magna cum laude
Bethel College, St. Paul, MN
B.A. Biblical/Theological Studies, magna cum laude
Minors: History, Philosophy
1986 and 1995
Maryknoll Language School, Musoma, Tanzania
Swahili language basic course and Swahili language advanced course
2008-Present Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology- in Africa International University
Taught missiology and intercultural studies courses in English.
- Contextualization (MA)
- Advanced Contextualization (PhD)
- Advanced Contextualization: Suffering, Sickness, Death and Witches (PhD)
- Witchcraft, Accusations and Counseling (BA)
- African Traditional Religions (MA)
- African Cultures and Religions (PGD)
- Social Anthropology (MA)
- Anthropological Research Methods (MA)
- Intercultural Studies Research Methods (PhD)
- Introduction to Doctoral Research (PhD)
- Research in Islamic Studies (PhD)
- Missiological Research Methods (PhD)
- Discovering Worldview (Mth)
- Leadership Development (MA)
- Introduction to Missions (MDiv)
- Biblical Theology of Mission (MA)
- Mission and the Kingdom of God in African Contexts (Mth)
- Missions Practicum (MA)
- Senior Reflections (MA)
- Supervision of Theses (MA, MDiv, Mth, PhD)
- Sickness, death, witches and witch accusations in Africa and Christian response, built network of researchers and responders (2005-present)
- Africa Leadership Study: Senior Research Director – Kenya (2011-present)
1995 – Present
Lake Victoria Christian College (LVCC), Mwanza, Tanzania
Taught the following 3 credits (37.5 class hours) courses at the diploma level (99 credits) in Swahili. Developed syllabi and overall course structure.
Biblical Studies:
- Bible Survey: The Bible as One Story
- Hermeneutics: Principles of Studying Scripture
- Pentateuch I
- Pentateuch II
- Poetical and Wisdom Literature
- The Book of Acts
- Pauline Epistles II
Other Courses:
- History of the World Christian Movement
- Christian Character (Spiritual Formation)
- Perspectives on Missions seminar (25 class hours) – taught Culture and History portions in three Tanzania locations and Burundi. Also trained teachers who are teaching it to thousands of others in over 100 locations.
- Training of trainers for seminars on “Ministering to those suspected of being witches and responding to witchcraft” Trained teams have since taught this 15 times in four other regions. Wrote grants to fund this.
Led LVCC into more extensive and indigenous ministry. While I was principal 1995-2003, LVCC expanded from one location with 30 students to three sites for the residential courses (80 students) and a Theological Education by Extension program (365 students). All of these students are active in ministry serving 14 denominations. We also trained teachers and administered seminars teaching church leadership, marriage, family, godly agriculture, children’s ministry, and missions to tens of thousands of people in hundreds of villages. In 2002, one of the team of deans who I trained replaced me as principal. I continue to serve on the leadership team, primarily responsible for communications and fundraising.
Served the Pentecostal Evangelistic Fellowship of Africa (LVCC’s owner) through preaching, fund raising, advising, facilitating, communication and networking. Also served on committees such as the PEFA Board of Theology which oversees all theological education.
Developed partnerships as founding director of Training East African Ministers (TEAM). TEAM provides development and most operating funds as well as prayer support to LVCC. In addition to regular communication and visits to 45 supporting churches and individuals, wrote and reported on grants for seminars, textbooks, TEE, church roofs, and orphans. TEAM also provides prayer and financial support including ministry expenses and salary for my ministry.
Developed the Theological Educators’ Network (TEN) to promote cooperation between Tanzanian theological professors and schools. Chaired TEN 2001-2003. Chaired TEN’s committee to develop the East African School of Missions and its curriculum 2006-2008.
1986 – 1987
1999 – 2007
Lake Tanganyika Christian College, Kigoma, Tanzania
Taught theology courses in English at the degree level to ministers who had completed a diploma. Each of these courses is 2 credits (25 class hours). Developed syllabi and overall course structure (2000 – 2003, 2006 – 2007):
- Apologetics
- Contemporary Theological Issues: Theologizing in the African Context
I also taught Biblical studies courses at diploma level (1986-1987, 1999 in Kigoma and Bujumbura, Burundi)
Trinity International University, Deerfield, Illinois, USA
Ph.D. I.C.S. Program Scholar: Assisted Dr. Robert Priest (director of the Intercultural Studies program, Ph.D. in Anthropology, Berkeley) with research, administration, program marketing, planning conferences, and testing/course pack development for This Side of Heaven: Race, Ethnicity, and Christian Faith which he edited. Led a weekly advisee group and fellowship activities for I.C.S. program participants. Assisted the academic doctoral program office in administration.
Co-taught “Race and Ethnic Relations” with fellow Ph.D. participants in 2004-2005, including teaching all small group sessions, developing/delivering some large group lectures, collaborating on curriculum development and grading.
1982 – 1985
Bethel College, St. Paul, MN
Graded and performed administrative tasks as Teaching Assistant to Dr. Chester Wood (New Testament) 1982-1983 and Dr. Roger Olson (Systematic Theology) 1984-1985.
Bethel Christian Fellowship, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Leading this multicultural congregation and other pastors and staff, preaching, pastoral care, etc. Also on board of elders for All Nations Family of Churches- 8 churches speaking 7 languages that BCF originated and is part of (5 meet in BCF’s building)
Commissioned Missionary directing TEAM ministry of BCF
1989 – 1994
Assistant Pastor
Pastored the youth, developed a missions committee and policy, oversaw assimilation of visitors, taught adult members, preached at least monthly, led worship, and visited ill and elderly members.
Redwood Falls Assemblies of God, Redwood Falls and Cloquet Gospel Tabernacle, Cloquet, Minnesota, USA
1988 – 1989
1985 – 1986
Youth Pastor
Developed and led programs. Taught weekly youth group Bible study. Planned and executed fun activities. Volunteer basis.
- “Connected – The Role of Social Capital for Leaders with Impact” In African Christian Leadership: Realities, Opportunities, and Impact (American Society of Missiology Series). Ed. by Robert J. Priest and Kirimi Barine 2017.
- “Sickness in Africa: Holistic, Integrated, Christian Understanding and Response.” In Christian Response to Suffering in Africa, Langham publications. Forthcoming.
- “Diviners and Witches” article for the Africa Study Bible. Forthcoming.
- 19 application notes and touch points for the Africa Study Bible. Forthcoming.
- “Discovering Witches” in the Henry Center for Theological Understanding’s online periodical, Sapientia (13 April 2015); sapientia.org/discovering-witches. This is the first of four articles located at http://henrycenter.tiu.edu/author/steve-rasmussen/?author_archive=true
- “Healing Communities: Contextualizing Responses to Witch Accusations.” In International Bulletin of Missionary Research. 39, no. 1 (2015): 12–18. http://www.internationalbulletin.org/issues/2015-01/2015-01-012-rasmussen.html.
- “Health, healing and the church’s mission: Biblical perspectives and moral priorities” Book review. In Missiology, January 2014 42: 95-96.
- “Sickness and witchcraft in Northwestern Tanzania: Listening to Pentecostal Ministers” In Communities of faith in Africa and the African diaspora. ed. by Casseley Essamuah and David K. Ngaruiya. Eugene: OR: Pickwick. 2014.
- “What are “We” going to do about “Them”? In Contested space: Religion and ethnicity in Kenya. ed. by D. C. Chemorion, Esther Mombo, and C. B. Peter. Limuru, Kenya: Zapf Chancery. 2013.
- “A Case Study of Christian Response to Sickness, Death, and Witchcraft in Northwestern Tanzania” In African missiology: Contributions of contemporary thought. ed. By Caleb Chul-Soo Kim. Nairobi: Uzima. 2009.
- “Imagining Evil: Witchcraft Beliefs and Accusations in Contemporary Africa, Edited by Gerrie Ter Harr” Book review. In Missiology, January 2009.
- “Researching the short-term mission movement.” co-authored with Robert J. Priest, Terry Dischinger, and C. M. Brown. In Missiology, October 2006.
- “Better short-term mission trips produce better discipleship.”
In FCA Leadership, July 2004. - “My top ten for serving in missions.”
In FCA Leadership, January 2003.
- “LIGHT and TEAM’s Christian responses to Witchcraft Accusations” at “UN witchcraft and human rights experts workshop” at UNHCHR in Geneva, Switzerland, September 22, 2017.
- “Biblical responses to diviners, “witches” and accusers” presented at the Evangelical Missiological Society North-Central Region Meeting, Chicago, IL USA, March 18, 2017.
- “What does the Bible say about witches and diviners?” presented March 4 at an international conference on “The Church and Witchcraft Accusations” and “Christian Response to African Realities”. Also planned and executed this March 2-5, 2016 conference sponsored by the Henry Center of TIU and ASET (Africa Society of Evangelical Theology) with Bob Priest from TIU.
- “Sickness in Africa: Holistic, Integrated, Christian Understanding and Response” presented at Africa Society of Evangelical Theology annual meeting. 8 March, 2015.
- “Critically-contextualizing responses to witches in East Africa: problems and possibilities” presented at the American Society of Missiology annual meeting. June 20-22, 2014.
- “The Importance of Intercultural Skills and Relationships for Successful African Christian Leaders and Organizations in the Contemporary Interreligious, Interethnic, and Globally Connected World” presented at the American Society of Missiology annual meeting. June 20-22, 2014.
- “Money, ministry and middle-men” presented at Africa Society of Evangelical Theology annual meeting. 1 March, 2014.
- “Witchcraft and witch accusations in Sukumaland Tanzania” presentation at colloquium on “The Church and Witchcraft / Witch Accusations.” Also planned and executed this March 6-9, 2013 international conference for AIU along with Robert Priest from TIU.
- “Sacrificing to lead: The cost of “banana tree” Christian leadership” presented at Africa Society of Evangelical Theology annual meeting. 23 February, 2013.
- “Voices of International Students at Africa International University: Cultural Differences in Learning” Presentation at Society of Intercultural Education and Research – USA, 12th annual conference. Co-presented with Janice R.H. Rasmussen. October 17–20, 2012.
- “Who sent the mosquito? Illness causalities.” Two different presentations at Christian Medical and Dental Association conference. 14, 15 February, 2012.
- “Contextualized response to witch accusations in Tanzania” presented at the American Society of Missiology annual meeting. June 2010.
- “What should WE do about THEM? (Luke 4 and negative ethnicity).” Paper presented to conference at St. Paul’s University on “Addressing the disconnect: Spirituality and practical Christianity with the church in Kenya with special reference to negative ethnicity.” May 2010.
- “Who sent the mosquito? Illness causalities.” Presentation at “Empowering medical educational leadership for Africa’s Future,” an Institute of Family Medicine Faculty Development Conference. February 2010
- “Do former short-term missionaries go and give more to long-term missions? Evidence from a new statistical study.” Paper presented at the Evangelical Missiological Society North-Central Region Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, April 2005
- Evangelical Missiological Society
- American Society of Missiology
- Africa Society of Evangelical Theology (2014 – 2015 chairman)
- Theological Educators’ Network (2000-2003 chairman)
- Society for Intercultural Education Training and Research – USA