Wanjiru M. Gitau
Wanjiru M. Gitau is a scholar of Christian History, World Christianity and Missiology. She was a visiting scholar at Asbury Theological Seminary (2015-2016). She has a PhD in Intercultural Studies and World Christianity from Africa International University and she has an MA in Missiology from Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology. She also has fifteen years of combined pastoral service in dynamic urban congregations and a variety of cross cultural missional engagements. As a researcher with the Center for the Study of World Christian Revitalization Movements, she is currently working on book titled, “Reframing the Megachurch Conversation.”
ALS Role
Wanjiru Wangui-Gitau began as a PhD student helping with both questionnaire research and with carrying out interviews and writing ten-page reports. Based on the quality of her work she was invited to play an expanded role, participating in our gatherings to discuss and analyze the research results.She contributed a chapter “Formation of African Christian Leaders — Patterns from the ALS Data” for our book.
See Findings page for professional credentials and CV.