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    • African Christian Leadership
      In order to better understand certain strategically important topics included in the ALS research team members have done extensive in depth analysis which will be available in book format. For detailed information on the topics, the authors and future purchase information click on “African Christian Leadership.”
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    • Angola
      This topic includes various resources for information regarding Angola that are outside the scope of the Africa Leadership Study focus.  Information specific to the ALS in Angola is included on the “About Page” and the “Data Page” of this website.
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    • Biblical Resources
      If you are interested in studying and understanding Scripture these resources may be useful. Various languages are represented. In some cases they are written by Africans or built on African scholarship or include commentary or study notes by Africans.
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    • Building on the ALS data – Further Research
      The original survey gathered data that could be the basis of further research.  Because the ALS had limitations, we could not explore all the possibilities.  There are several topics that could be built around the SPSS data lists. The names of individuals and organizations that were identified as having a high level of impact are included under the Resource Topics “Developing Leaders” and “Developing Organizations”.  Any one of these could be the focus of further research.  One potential idea would be research on the preaching and pastoral lives of leading high impact African pastors.  We will be adding ideas for further research and you can do so as well.
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    • Central African Republic
      This topic includes various resources for information regarding CAR that are outside the scope of the Africa Leadership Study focus. Information specific to the ALS in CAR is included on the “About Page” and the “Data Page” of this website.
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    • Christian Associations in Africa
      There are various associations of Africans, Denominations and Organizations that have resources developed to fit the African context. They may hold conferences or training events and produce materials that grow out of their work together. We have listed links to the ones we are aware of. You may know of others to add. Their inclusion in the list is not to be considered as an endorsement.
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    • Developing Leaders
      We will feature resources that are specifically focused on developing individuals. This topic is treated in depth in in the chapters entitled “Characteristics of Influential African Christian Leaders” and “Formation of African Christian Leaders: Patterns from the ALS Data” in the ALS book “Patterns in African Christian Leadership”. Some possible tools to be developed to add to this topic page include:
      • analysis of the impact of strong and effective leaders
      • a self-assessment tool based on the characteristics of a good leader identified in the study
      • a list of the leaders identified in the initial survey as having a high level of impact so you can study their lives and ministries
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    • 6 years, 11 months ago


    • Developing Organizations
      We will feature resources that are specifically focused on developing organizations.  This topic is treated in depth in in the chapters entitled “African Christian Organizations and Socio-economic Development” and “Faith in Action: Patterns of Influential African Christian Organizations” in the ALS book “Patterns in African Christian Leadership”. Some possible tools to be developed to add to this topic page include:
      • Analysis of the impact of local churches and organizations
      • A self-assessment tool based on the elements of a good organization based on data from the ALS
      • a list of the organizations identified in the initial survey as having a high level of impact so you can study them
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    • Dieu, la terre, la guerre
      FATEAC, USB and FATEB held a symposium in Abidjan in May of 2016 entitled “Dieu, la terre, la guerre” (God, the earth, war).  Papers were presented addressing these issues that the church in West Africa faces.  The papers are available for review here. There are plans for additional symposiums in the future.
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    • Educational Institutions
      You may be interested in developing your own leadership skills.  We have listed links to information on various schools or educational opportunities across Africa.  The fact that they are listed here is not to be taken as an endorsement.  See also “Studies on Leadership and Education” Topic.
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    • Kenya
      This topic includes various resources for information regarding Kenya that are outside the scope of the Africa Leadership Study focus. Information specific to the ALS in Kenya is included on the “About Page” and the “Data Page” of this website.
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    • Microenterprise, Skills Training
      There are various organizations providing training on the implementation of microenterprise development programs.  There are others that provide on hands on skills training in conjunction with preparation for Christian Ministry.
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    • Organizations Working in Leadership Development
      There are a wide variety of organizations working to provide many different types of programs for developing and strengthening leaders. Some of the links on this list take you to organizations identified by Africans as having a high level of impact in the answers to the ALS survey. The details and the reports written on selected organizations are available for download on the “Data Page” of this website. Some are based in the West and many are indigenous to Africa. Some have in depth treatment in the ALS book “Patterns in African Christian Leadership”. One chapter is entitled “African Christian Organizations and Socio-economic Development” and one is entitled “Faith in Action: Patterns of Influential African Christian Organizations”.
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    • Prayers
      May this Prayer Topic be a place for us to encourage and support each other in our connection to the vine. As we use it to post Scripture, devotional thoughts and prayers, may all be done for His glory to further the purposes of His Kingdom. I am the true vine, and my Father is the Gardener……Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing……If you stay joined to me and my words remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be granted! My true disciples produce much fruit. This brings great glory to my Father. I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father and remain in his love. I have told you this so that you will be filled with joy. Yes your joy will overflow. John 15
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    • Print on Demand
      Publish4All has several Print on Demand systems in place across Africa. They are developing training centers for a more in depth apprenticeship for those interested in this publishing method. Here is information on Publish4All and a list of systems already in place. ALS findings confirmed that there is much work to be done in making culturally contextual literature and digital materials available across Africa. A number of factors contribute to this. There is the ongoing task of developing African writers, editors and publishers. There is also the task of overcoming the difficulties of distribution – of both print and digital materials. They are explored in depth in the chapter entitled “Reading and Leading: Favorite Authors of African Christians” in the ALS book “Patterns in African Christian Leadership”. It will take the efforts of many organizations and individuals working together to address this complex challenge. See also “Training in Writing and Publishing” and “Publishing” Topics.
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    • Publishers and Publishing Associations
      ALS findings confirmed that there is much work to be done in making culturally contextual literature and digital materials available across Africa. A number of factors contribute to this. There is the ongoing task of developing African writers, editors and publishers. There is also the task of overcoming the difficulties of distribution – of both print and digital materials. They are explored in depth in the chapter entitled “Reading and Leading: Favorite Authors of African Christians” in the ALS book “Patterns in African Christian Leadership”. It will take the efforts of many organizations and individuals working together to address this complex challenge. Here is a list of publishers currently working in Africa. Some of them offer books by African authors. Their inclusion in the list is not to be considered as an endorsement. See also “Training in Writing and Publishing” and “Print on Demand” Topics.
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    • Research Training – ALS model
      Many of our ALS Team members teach courses on research methods. Some are developing syllabi and curriculum based on the ALS methodology. We will be collecting this information and posting it on this topic page for those for those who might want to study research methods and for those who may want to use the materials in their classrooms. The Data Page of this website includes the option to download the methodology and protocol used in the ALS research.
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    • Seedbed Fruit
      This is the place to gather and celebrate the projects and research that grow out of the ALS. We anticipate with prayerful excitement the stories, photos and outcomes to be added here. If you receive a Seedbed grant, initiate further research, develop curriculum or training programs or have mentorship experiences to share, we will include a link to your work on this topic page.
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    • Seedbed Funds: process for seed grants
      In order for seeds to grow they need water and nurturing care. We will be developing a process for applying for small seed grants for project development or further research. When the parameters for this are complete, the details will be available here. Perhaps other funders would have an interest in participating. We will also be developing a list of suggested possible projects that grow out of the needs that have been identified through the ALS.
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    • Studies on Leadership and Education
      There is a high level of interest in the topic of leadership development. Others have been involved in studies or research or the development of training resources. There is an ongoing conversation around the topic of best practices in education. Here we have provided links to the work others have been doing in these fields. You may also know of resources to add here.
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    • Training in Writing and Publishing
      If you are interested in developing your writing or editing skills or publishing materials we know of two organizations with years of experience and expertise that specifically focus on this.  There may be others that you know of that could be added.  There may be programs at some of the educational institutions that could be listed.  Media Associates International focuses on writing, editing and publishing books.  Magazine Training Institute focuses on writing, editing and publishing magazines. ALS findings confirmed that there is much work to be done in making culturally contextual literature and digital materials available across Africa.  A number of factors contribute to this. There is the ongoing task of developing African writers, editors and publishers.  There is also the task of overcoming the difficulties of distribution – of both print and digital materials. They are explored in depth in the chapter entitled “Reading and Leading: Favorite Authors of African Christians” in the ALS book “Patterns in African Christian Leadership”.  It will take the efforts of many organizations and individuals working together to address this complex challenge. See also “Publishing” and “Print on Demand” Topics.
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    • Women in Leadership
      The ALS research showed the women of Africa play a critically strategic role in many areas of the church and the community. They can often be unrecognized leaders with great transformational influence. This is a resource to be cherished and nurtured. This topic is treated in depth in in the chapter entitled “African Women Leadership: Realities and Opportunities” in the ALS book “Patterns in African Christian Leadership”. We hope many of you will have resources and educational opportunities for women to add to this topic page.
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