Shelly Isaacs
Shelly Isaacs provided support on the Africa Leadership Study with data preparation and management. She received her M.A. in Sociology of Religion from Baylor University. Her thesis was on “Self, Stigma, and Identity Work in the Pentecostal Experience of Illness.”
ALS Role
Shelly was involved with ALS before we knew it was ALS. Her first efforts provided a critically needed assessment tool for the discernment process as we considered whether to initiate the Study. She organized and evaluated 10 years of Tyndale House Foundation grant data in a way that enabled us to see and evaluate our role in Africa at that time from an important overview perspective. Since those early days she has been a critical resource in managing, organizing and evaluating all our data. She has overseen the translation of the data and the reports, enabling them to be available in all three languages. Her experience in managing research data has informed the organization of the website and the “Data Page”. As you download the research information, you can thank Shelly.