Alberto Salombongo

Alberto Lucamba Salombongo is a pastor and lecturer at Undergraduate Program of Evangelical Theological Seminary at ISTEL in Lubango, Angola. He is also the Modular Theological Program Coordinator at ISTEL. He holds a post graduate diploma in Old Testament from the University of Stellenbosch and is a MTH Candidate at the University of Stellenbosch. He is married and has three children.

ALS Role

Alberto Lucamba Salombongo met regularly as part of the ALS leadership team, provided input on all phases of research and analysis, and helped supervise a team of student researchers administering surveys in Angola. Together with Elisabet le Roux, he helped coach the research teams at each seminary in Angola, and provided in-country leadership of all Angola research. He conducted interviews and wrote up ten-page reports on key Angolan Christian leaders and Christian organizations. He did additional research related to libraries and publishers in Angola, and contributed to the chapter “Reading and Leading: Challenges for African Christian Leaders.”

Yolande Sandoua

Yolande Sandoua is Assistant to the President of Faculté de Théologie Évangélique de Bangui (FATEB) and Communication Officer. She is currently a PhD Student in theology at FATEB. She holds three masters degrees, including an MA in English (American Civilization), an MA in Theology and Mission, and an MTh in African Christianity from the Akrofi-Christaller Institute in Ghana.

ALS Role

Yolande Sandoua met regularly as part of the ALS leadership team, provided input on all phases of research and analysis, and helped administer a team of student researchers administering surveys in the Central African Republic. She conducted interviews and wrote up reports on Christian leaders and Christian organizations in the Central African Republic. She carried out additional follow-up interviews looking at the consequences of violent conflict on Christian ministries. She co-wrote the chapter “Leadership Responses During Armed Conflict.”

See Findings page for professional credentials and CV.

Yolande Sandoua

Curriculum Vitae

Yolande A. Sandoua, Mth.

Executive Assistant

Communication Officer

Faculté de Théologie Evangélique de Bangui (FATEB)


2016 PhD. candidate Faculté de Théologie Evangélique de Bangui (FATEB-Extension Yaoundé)

2011 MTh. In African Christianity Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture

2009 M.A. Theology and Mission Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture

1998 M.A. American Civilization Université de Bangui

1997 B.A. African Civilization Université de Bangui


2012-   Executive Assistant and Communication Officer   Faculté de Théologie Evangélique de Bangui (FATEB)

1998-2008  Secretary to President    Faculté de Théologie Evangélique de Bangui (FATEB)


2011 Language, Translation and Literature:  Some Theological and Literary Perspectives from the Works of Andrew F. Walls, Lamin Sanneh, John S. Mbiti and Ngungi Wa Thiongo Using Sango as Illustrative Text. MTh Thesis. Akrofi-Christaller Institute.

1996 An Inquiry into the Inequality between Men and Women in Decision Making in Developing Countries:  The Case of the Central African Republic. B.A. Dissertation. Université de Bangui.


2013   wrote articles using African short stories and proverbs based on African traditions. Africa Study Bible

2014    Wrote biblical Commentaries using African Proverbs as illustration. Africa Study Bible

Ian Shaw

Rev. Dr Ian J. Shaw is Associate International Director of the Langham Scholars Programme. He is also Honorary Fellow at the School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Ian holds a PhD from the University of Manchester, UK, in the field of Church History and Historical Theology. He is the author of six books. Before working with Langham Partnership he was for twelve years Dean of Postgraduate Studies in a theological college in Scotland. Through his work with Langham Partnership he engages extensively with theological education institutions across Africa, and helps support doctoral and postdoctoral students from Africa with their research. He is currently work with various institutions in Francophone Africa furthering the development of their doctoral and postdoctoral programs.

ALS Role

Ian Shaw met regularly with the ALS leadership team, and served as an external advisor and consultant on research design and implementation and on making sense of the results. He provided input into the analysis and writing up of results.